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Model : mono2
Simile version : 3.1+
Date added : 2003-06-26
Keywords :
Lake model ;
Mono Lake, California ;
Lumped model ;
Water ;
Mono Lake is a lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, that was used to supply water to Los Angeles, and is also of considerable ecological importance. This is the first of a series of models developed as a teaching exrcise to explore the effects of different policies for water extraction.
This model uses a single compartment to represent the amount of water in the lake, with inflows representing precipitation, flow in past diversion points and other sources; and flows out for evaporation and other losses (extraction).
This model differs from the first in that the surface area of the lake now depends on the volume of water in the lake, rather than being assumed to be constant.
Source: Andrew Ford (1999): Modelling the Environment, p.40
dW/dt = P+F+O-E-X
P = p*sa
E = e*sa
F = r-ex
W = water in lake
P = precipitation
F = fl = ow past diversion points
O = other flow in
E = evaporation
X = extraction
p = precipitation rate
sa = surface area
e = evaporation rate
r = sierra gauged runoff
ex = export
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p040.sml |
Compartments: water in lake Initial value = 2228 Comments: Amount of water in lake, KAF (thousand acre-feet) Flows: evaporation = surface_area*evaporation_rate Comments: thousand acre-feet/year flow past diversion points = sierra_gauged_runoff-export Comments: thousand acre-feet/year other in = 47.6 Comments: thousand acre-feet/year other out = 33.6 Comments: thousand acre-feet/year precipitation = surface_area*precipitation_rate Comments: thousand acre-feet/year Variables: surface area = graph(water_in_lake) Comments: thousand acre Parameters: evaporation rate = 3.75 Comments: feet/year export = 100 Comments: thousand acre-feet/year precipitation rate = 0.667 Comments: feet/year sierra gauged runoff = 150 Comments: thousand acre-feet/year
Ford, A (1999) Modeling the Environment.
Island Press. p.40
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