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Activin Signalling molecule released during embryo development
Age-class modelling modelling Modelling a population in terms of the number of individuals in different age-classes
Alarm Simile component that allows the functions in a submodel to be evaluated multiple times, in order to perform an iterative calculation
Area (modelling changes in) Modelling the changes land area, typically the area occupied by a certain land-use
Association submodel Uses the Simile “association submodel” to specify a relationship between objects (e.g. ownership of fields by farmers)
Basic System Dynamics Denotes a System Dynamics model containing only compartments, flows and variables
Biomass The amount of biological material
Branching As in tree branching patterns, root branching, etc
Broom grass A type of grass grown in parts of Africa, for thatching etc
Budworm Insect pest in Canada
Business model A model of some business process, e.g. cash flow, sales
Carbon dynamics Dynamics of pools of carbon (as in global change models)
Cellular automata Any system in which rules are applied to cells and their neighbors in a regular grid.
Chaotic behaviour Dynamic behaviour that is aperiodic and has the property that a small perturbation can cause a large change to subsequent values, making it unpredictable in the long term
Chemical reactions Modelling rates of chemical reactions, usually denoted by chemical equations
Climate change Typically, changes relating to the greenhouse effect
Cohort modelling Models a population as a set of cohorts, with each cohort being created at some point in time and having the attribute of the number of individuals in it.
Competition Competition between plant or animal species
Conditional submodel A submodel whose existence depends on some condition. May be single-instance, in which case it is either there or not there, or multi-instance, in which case only instances for some index values might exist. Association submodels are typically conditional.
Daisy world Models exploring the supposed ability of life on planets to regulate conditions to suit itself
Dashed influence arrow Selecting "use values in same time step" in influence properties produces a dashed influence arrow. This means the destination can be evaluated before the source, provided they are done in the same program loop.
Degree-days Sum of product of time (days) and temperature above a lower threshold (degrees Celsius) for development of plants and invertebrates. Development stages of plants and invertebrates require a certain number of degree-days to complete.
Develoment, physiological Physiolgical development of organisms
Disaggregated population Splitting a population into subpopulations (spatial areas, age-classes, sex classes, etc)
Dummy instance If an association is used to define a hierarchy, it has an exclusive role for the 'child', which has only one 'parent'. But the individual at the top must also have a 'child' role, so a dummy association instance is added, typically connecting it to itself.
Ecophysiology Physiological processes in ecosystem components, typically plant-growth modelling in terms of photosynthesis and respiration
Evapotranspiration Evaporation of surface water plus water transpired (evaporated through stomata) by plants
Exclusive Role If exactly one instance of an association model exists for each instance of a base model, then it has an exclusive role. If the role is marked as exclusive, the base model can get single values rather than lists from the association.
Exponential growth Growth where each unit contributes a fixed amount per unit of time; unrestricted growth
Fire modelling Usually, modelling the spatial spread of fire across a landscape
Fixed-membership submodel A submodel with a fixed number of instances (e.g. a submodel representing a fixed number of spatial grid squares or age-classes)
Food web The pattern of who-eats-whom in ecosystems
Forest dynamics Typically, the changes in number of trees
Fractals Self-similarity at different levels of detail
function last The Simile function last(X), returning the value of element X from the previous time step
function prev The Simile function prev(N), which returns the value of the same variable N time units ago
Grass Models of the dynamics of grass-like vegetation
Hexagonal grid An alternative to the square grid for disaggregating an area to be modelled. Hexagonal grids are better where interactions between neighbouring areas are important because each cell has six equally close neighbours rather than four.
Homeostasis Self-regulation, as in temperature or glucose regulation in animals
Individual-based Represents the individuals in a population as separate individuals; typically uses the Simile population submodel q.v.
Individual-based population dynamics Represents the changing numbers of individuals in a population; typically uses the Simile population submodel q.v.
Inheritance New individuals in a population are parameterized by values from their parent individuals, either fixed (e.g., genetic information) or variable(e.g., location, wealth)
Insects Models of insect population dynamics, pests etc
Iteration A calculation that is performed many times in order to seek a result with the desired properties. It may be searcing through a list, doing successive approximations, or simply trying different random sets of inputs.
L-systems Lindenmayer systems: a fractal-based method for modelling branching patterns in plants
Labour allocation Allocation of time for different activities for a labour pool
Lake model Models hydrology, nutrients, pollution in lakes
LAMOS 'Landuse Modelling System': a generic landuse modelling framework
Land-use change Changes in land-use patterns across a landscape
Lindenmayer systems A fractal-based method for modelling branching patterns in plants
Logistic growth S-shaped or sigmoid growth; initially exponential growth, levelling off as a plateau (the 'carrying capacity') is reached
Lotka-Volterra The authors of several classic textbook models of population dynamics
Lumped model No division of model components into subclasses; non-disaggregated
Marine Anything to do with (life in) seas and oceans
Markov model Probabilistic changes in discrete state
ModMED 'Modelling Mediterranean Ecosystem Dynamics': an EU project
Mono Lake, California A small lake in California
Morphogenesis The development of shape and pattern in organisms
Movement Movement of individual organisms or particles in 2D or 3D space
Multi-agent systems A system comprising many individuals, or independent agents, whose aggregate behaviour is often unexpected
Multi-instance submodel A submodel representing many functionally similar entities in the world. Variables in the submodel have many values, one for each instance, and the index() function can be used within it to get a serial number that differs between instances.
Multi-species population dynamics The dynamics of the population dynamics of several species, typically with interactions between them
Nitrogen dynamics Dynamics of nitrogen (in various forms) within ecosystems
One sided enumeration A method of creating a relation between two base submodels (possibly the same) where one base submodel specifies which instance(s) of the other it relates to.
Particles Any objects treated as a unit (e.g. gas molecules)
Pests Species causing damage to crops or forests
Plug-and-play modularity The ability to insert a submodel (module) into a model, and immediately run the new model
Population dynamics Changes in the size of a population
Population submodel A Simile technical term, denoting a submodel which can have instances that are created and destroyed during a simulation
Ranking Ordering things (typically, submodel instances) according to some criterion
Simile techniques Any Simile-specific technique
Single-species population dynamics The dynamics of a single population
Soil water dynamics Changes in the amount of water in soil
Spatial modelling Modelling a landscape in terms of multiple individual parcels of land: e.g. polygon patches, grid cells
Spatial organization
Stochastic modelling Modelling that includes some element of randomness, which therefore produces different results for each run
Submodel Part of a Simile model diagram which is enclosed by a boundary and treated as a distinct unit. Submodels can have many properties, such as multiple instances within their parent model, a different time step, or even their own separate executable code.
System Dynamics The standard term for compartment-flow (or stock-flow) modelling
Technique Any Simile-specific technique
Tree architecture Typically, branching patterns of trees (but can include modelling crown shape)
Urban modelling Modelling towns and cities, usually from a policy perspective
Vegetation dynamics Dynamics of biomass or spatial spread of vegetation components
Water Used here to denote modelling the dynamics of water bodies, e.g. lakes