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Mono Lake, California: 1st model - Model catalogue -

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Mono Lake, California: 1st model

Model : mono1
Simile version : 3.1+
Date added : 2003-06-26
Keywords : Lake model ; Mono Lake, California ; Lumped model ; Water ;


Mono Lake is a lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, that was used to supply water to Los Angeles, and is also of considerable ecological importance. This is the first of a series of models developed as a teaching exrcise to explore the effects of different policies for water extraction. This model uses a single compartment to represent the amount of water in the lake, with inflows representing precipitation, flow in past diversion points and other sources; and flows out for evaporation and other losses (extraction).

Source: Andrew Ford (1999): Modelling the Environment, p.38

dW/dt = P+F+O-E-X
P = p*sa
E = e*sa
F = r-ex

W = water in lake
P = precipitation
F = fl = ow past diversion points
O = other flow in
E = evaporation
X = extraction
p = precipitation rate
sa = surface area
e = evaporation rate
r = sierra gauged runoff
ex = export


Model file

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	Initial value = 2228
	Comments: Amount of water in lake, KAF (thousand acre-feet)

	evaporation = surface_area*evaporation_rate
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	flow past diversion points = sierra_gauged_runoff-export
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	other in = 47.6
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	other out = 33.6
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	precipitation = surface_area*precipitation_rate
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	evaporation rate = 3.75
	Comments: feet/year

	export = 100
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	precipitation rate = 0.667
	Comments: feet/year

	sierra gauged runoff = 150
	Comments: thousand acre-feet/year

	surface area = 39
	Comments: thousand acre