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Working with visualization tools : Layers : Show moving individuals

Show moving individuals

If a model includes a group of submodel instances representing mobile individuals, it may be desirable to display them on a map background using icons. That is what this layer tool is for. It can draw a lot of copies of an icon representing an individual at positions specified by model data. It can also vary the size and orientation of the icons according to data from the model.

The image data file

In order to do this, the icon must be expressed as a series of canvas drawing commands in the Tk language. Tk is the standard graphics extension for scripting languages including Tcl, Perl, Python and Ruby. An example file to draw the ants in the image on the Layer tool page is included in Simile's examples directory, and the images for Simile's population channels are also encoded in this way. These files typically have the extension .cnv. It is hoped to offer a Paintbox-style drawing tool for creating images in this format in the near future.

The file consists of a series of commands to draw the icon on a canvas referred to as $c. This will cause it to be drawn in the layer display when sourced by this tool's code. If the ability to rotate the icon is to be used, then only canvas objects that can be drawn at any angle should be included, i.e., avoid arcs and ovals (unless circular) and rectangles. As well as drawing commands, the file should include an instruction to set the hotspot -- this is the point in the image that will be positioned on the map point given by the model data, as a pair of integers, e.g.,

set hotspot {100 150}

Similarly the scale should be set, i,e., the number of canvas units of the drawing commands corresponding to one unit of map space. A large value will mean the image is drawn small, and is useful for precision because positions and line thicknesses in the image file must be integers.

set scale 10

It should also set the axis direction, in which the image as drawn by the canvas commands appears to be facing. This can either be a compass point (ne, sw, etc), an hour on the clock face (6h, 9h, etc) or a number which will be treated as the number of radians the axis lies anticlockwise from the x axis. e.g., these three forms are valid and equivalent:

set axis n

set axis 12h

set axis 1.57

Setting up the tool

When the layer is selected, a file selection dialogue appears for choosing the image file. Once the file is selected, its contents are loaded into the helper setup, so the file is not consulted again -- if the image is altered, the layer must be deleted and re-created to display the new version of the image. Now you will be prompted to click on model components for the x and y coordinates of the individuals' positions on the map. These have to be supplied. You will be prompted to click on two more model components to specify the size and orientation of the individuals. If you do not wish the icons to be changed in size, just click on one of the components you have already clicked on at this point, and the size will not be altered. The value of the orientation component can be a number, which is interpreted as the number of radians anticlockwise from the x axis which the image will be shown facing. Alternatively it can be a member one of the enumerated types used to index the neighbour directions in the special-purpose submodels, in which case the image will be drawn facing in that direction. In either case, if the value of the direction component is the same as the axis direction in the model file, the icon is drawn unrotated. If no rotation is to be done, select a component that has already been selected for x or y position as the rotation.

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