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Parameter estimation using PEST

Parameter estimation using PEST

PEST is an advanced software tool for model calibration, parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty analysis. It is open-source and freely available, and currently distributed by S. S. Papadopoulos & Associates, Inc.

You will need to install PEST separately on your computer, and ensure that it can be executed from the command line. How to install PEST

PEST communicates with Simile models by creating files containing parameter values, running the model then reading files containing model output values. The model will be run many times. How to set up PEST interaction

When using PEST, model inputs and outputs can be individual values or sequences over time. If an output is a time series, the series itself can be plotted on a display tool alongside the model output. Running PEST

Predictive analysis can be used to get an estimate of a model output at a time later than that covered by available data, or it can be used to provide an uncertainty band around a model output trace. Working with predictive analysis

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