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Exponential smoothing in Simile


Is there any way to implement exponential smoothing of a variable in Simile? I'm thinking of something like the TREND or SMOOTH functions in Powersim or Vensim.

Thanks a lot!



Hello Heiko,

This is something we've discussed in the past within Simulistics. We're just reviewing the options, and will get back to you once we've done this.


In the Stella documentation, the TREND and SMOOTH functions are defined in terms of Stella model diagrams. These are constructed from basic components which have equivalents in Simile, so the functions could be implemented by actually constructing them in the Simile diagram.

Since the implementations of the functions contain state variables, they could not be replicated using the current implementation of user-defined procedures in Simile. However they could be implemented as macro functions including explicit state variables, e.g., a = f(last(a), in), out=g(a).
